Night shift

Calm Hostel Shift from 23:00 to 02:00 pocket money available Busy Hostel Shift from 00:00 to 08:00 pocket money available Stay at the Hostel reception. A non-social profile, keep the hostel silent at night. – At the reception, during the night shift, must communicate the essential and not be the “starter” for conversation for the […]

Front Desk

Front desk receptionist provides indulgent guest service to travelers. *Admin of online reservation system *Answer emails and phone calls *Cleaning and hostel upkeep *Greet guests and provide suggestions

Work For Stay

Earn your stay and get paid! Want to pay for your stay by helping out around the hostel? Want to make a bit of money, too? If you’ve got some time to spare and are legally entitled to work in Canada, apply for our Work for Stay program. You’ll work and stay in a friendly, […]

Looking For Volunteers. Work-Explore-Drink-Repeat

Do you want to gain experience in many fields, including how to run a hostel, organize events, and lead people and yet get many useful and memorable connections from all around the world while being able to party every day and night? You could and you will become part of our family of international backpacking […]

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